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Considering that the British Secularism dominates almost the entire world, with some minor exceptions such as in Saudi Arabia and some other Middle Eastern countries where the legal system is based more on the Islamic law, but not entirely, I would like to address two angles of this question, namely, the Secular legal system and the economic opportunities of a modern Secular state.

With regard to the first angle, a typical British legal system consists of a criminal code and civil law that serve more or less as a general guideline for judges. They do not provide definitive and categorical legal prescriptions. This is to say that modern Secular laws are written in a very ambiguous language, contain much unnecessary details, and formulated in a language that an average person finds it difficult to understand anything about it.

This makes the Secular laws abusive and with a wide scope of interpretation. Technically, a judge has a wide legal menu to pick and choose in order to come up with a judicial verdict.

In addition, the modern Secular judges enjoy exclusive power, which is subjective and based on their own discretion. On top of that, judges enjoy absolute immunity and great financial favors. This makes them naturally corrupt, as well as the most devoted officials of the state and power, not people.

While technically Secularism has tried to address this obvious problem with the concept of legal assistance, such as lawyers, but this makes no difference. Lawyers are students of the same judges, part of the same clique, and certified by the same political power, so there is no way they’re going to defend people.

Therefore, in a Secular court chamber, the law and the evidence do not matter as much as your social and political position. The first question a judge asks about you is not whether you’ve broken the law or not, but who you are and what the politics says about you.

With regard to the second aspect, the economic system is just as corrupt as the courts of law. It does not provide equal and fair opportunities. Rather, it is your social and political position what matters. When you apply for a job or a governmental permit and services, the first question which is asked about you is: who you are and what’s your social and political position. Note, in reality there is no private or public sector. Both are controlled underground by the same power. So, the private sector is equally corrupt and unfair.

To conclude, the British Secularism has failed blatantly to deliver any form of fairness or justice. It is a failed ideology and broken apart political system, regardless of the country you live: Canada or South Africa, Albania or France, Brazil or China. Secularism breeds corruption, injustice and discrimination. It considers power as a private property, not as a service to people. That’s why justice is delivered selectively and opportunities are given selectively alike.

Sabri Lushi

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