by Kukes Post

In order to answer this hypothetical question correctly, we have to look at the reality of the American Republic – which is the first communist republic in the world founded in 1776, and its political structure.

The American Republic is not a political entity which relies or depends fundamentally on certain individuals or families, at least apparently, while individuals have a crucial role in covering up the real power.

America has never been an independent country; rather, its foundation was a new development for the British Empire itself. For this reason, America has never fought the British Empire, nor weakened or diminished it. Quite the contrary, America made the British Empire more successful, more imperialist, and more oppressive for the world.

America has always been a tool of the British Monarchy. It was founded by the agents of the Monarchy, controlled by them, and benefited only the Monarchy.

At the same time, America provided for the world the model of a communist state – a political model where the government controls virtually everything. In this regard, the USA was the first communist republic experimented by the British Monarchy.

Therefore, if Trump dies, nothing changes in the US Republic because individuals do not have essential power within that political structure. In truth, the power is supervised by the British Monarchy: its military, judicial system, the CIA, and the political order.

If Trump dies, he will be replaced with another candidate – another puppet – immediately.

If he dies, however, one thing might change for worse: as always, the US Republic will exploit the moment to pass a new law, a new “Patriot Act” to restrict the lives of the American people more.

At the same time, Trump has some value because he has a considerable audience among the American people and around the world, especially in Canada, so his death will cause some state propaganda vacuum for a short period of time.

But rest assured, Trump will not be assassinated. He might die because everyone will die day, even more so due to his old age, but he will not be killed because America is a super-controlled country. I genuinely believe that the American people are so much controlled by the Government. America is the country of the CIA. It is the country of spies, agents, and the political mafia, so it is hard to find independent people who could organize independent political activity, hence assassinate politicians.

As for the recent assassination attempt, it couldn’t be more theatrical and deceptive. I think, even though the American people are controlled, they are tired of their corrupt politics, so this incident could be used to increase Trump’s credibility.

In any case, politics cannot be changed by assassinations and guns, but intellectualism, free speech, and through spreading the truth. Technically, I deny the so called “assassination” because that’s not the right way to legitimately get rid of Trump and Biden.

Sabri Lushi

July 2024


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