by Kukes Post

Twenty three years ago, there was an important milestone in the history of the US Republic: the US Government killed its own citizens in the most backstabbing and betraying way.

On September 11, 2001, the US Government manifested in the most clear way that it is not the enemy of Muslims only, but it shows no regard for the US citizens either.

The attack in New York and Pentagon shook the world. On a very well organized mission, the terrorist organization of the CIA, part of which were also some Saudi citizens hired as stooges, carried out a heinous crime against innocent US citizens when thousands of them died.

There was never a thorough investigation. No resignation. No accountability. Instead, the US Government decided to attack first Afghanistan and then Iraq. According to a US high rank military general, both the invasion of these two countries had nothing to do with September 11 even though it was used as an alibi.

The war of the US Terrorist Republic did not stop with the destruction of Afghanistan and Iraq. It destroyed Yemen, Somalia, Syria, Pakistan, and Lebanon while hundreds of thousands, not to say millions, of innocent Muslims were either killed, imprisoned, or persecuted by the US Government and its spies and satellite governments around the world.

Muslims have suffered a great deal from the crimes of the US Terrorist Government, from the US media, from the CIA, from the agents and spies employed by the US Terrorist Government around the world, and from laws passed by the US Terrorist Congress and spy parliaments around the world against Muslims and the religion of Islam.

September 11 reminds us that the USA is a terrorist state. It reminds us that the US Republic is an immoral and communist political entity which has been founded on terrorism and crimes. It reminds us that the US Government is the sworn enemy of Muslims. It reminds us that even the US citizens are not safe under the rule of the US Republic – the first communist republic founded by the British Empire and the British Monarchy in 1776.

September 11 reminds us that as long as the US Republic continues to breathe, communism will flourish and terrorism will take more innocent lives.

Indeed, the world is not a safe place as long as the US Republic continues to exist.

America is not the solution to any problem; it is the problem itself. The world will never find peace unless countries around the world, especially the Muslim countries, sever the diplomatic ties with the US Terrorist and Communist Republic.

September 11 reminds us that America is the enemy and we will never forget this fact. America has no morality. It respects no rules and no laws. That’s why we never trust America. We never trust the US Government, and we have no appreciation for the US Secularism, i.e., the mother of communism.

September 11 reminds us that the US Communist Republic is the enemy of free speech and the rule of law.

Sabri Lushi

September 11, 2024

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