I think it is relevant and important to clarify that when we speak against the US Government, when we point out the flaws of America, when we warn people of America and its threatening global policies, it is not a battle against the American people – the average John who is working long hours to pay the bills and put food on the table, nor are we talking about the immigrant Gabriel who is barely making ends meet.
America is not simply a country, a sovereign nation, or a republic which abides by the international law.
America is the true face of the British Empire. It is a project. America is a religion. It is the embodiment of the British Secularism. It represents the best or the worst achievement of the British Monarchy – of this very old and corrupt royal family whose decadence is leading it to self-destruction.
America is a city upon the hill – it was meant from the beginning to be an example for the world, a model to be followed and copied. The founding fathers of the American Republic did not act as some rebellions who broke apart from the British Empire and founded a new state.
No! The American Republic was an imperial project. The founding fathers were not thinking of the American people and how to make their lives better and more free – away from the decadence of the British Empire.
The concern of the founding fathers was how to build a model and spread it around the world. They had an imperial mindset; they were expansionists, something which served the British Empire. Their intention was not to restrict the British Empire, but to make it stronger and to build a new republic which would supply the old empire with soldiers and raw materials from the New World.
This is exactly what made the British Empire last so far and the British Monarchy rule so long. America is the British Empire in disguise, yet people don’t perceive it as such. It serves as a big military base for the British Monarchy, yet the people of the world are not aware of this fact.
America is the global police of the British Empire and it enjoys full immunity from any prosecution. At the same time, it serves as a moral shield for the British Monarchy.
America is the greatest training center of spies and agents – immigrants brought from all over the world, disconnected from their families and tribes back home, brainwashed with the American lies, trained for the mission, and used to destabilize the order, the culture, and the religious stability back home.
In the eyes of America, every immigrant is a useful idiot while it promises to them the American Dream.
Americans are not the same as America. Many of them live on streets as homeless, have no families, no tribal ties, no hope, and barely survive by serving the grant capitalist machine of the British Empire. Americans are the greatest victims of America.
America – the project and the religion – is the enemy of God; it’s a project of the Devil.
October 2024