As long as Canada continues to be an ultra communist country, ruled by a corrupt tyrannical cabal chosen by the British Royal Family, ruled by corrupt and abusive laws, ruled by immoral and spy judges, while its economic system is heavily controlled by the state, the replacement of a PM with another one will change nothing. Canada needs real political change. It needs to get rid of the political spy system. It needs to restore the concept of economic and political freedom. It needs to develop an identity of its own. It cannot afford to serve for the British Empire as a graveyard for immigrants. Unfortunately, both Canada and the USA continue to serve a broken monarchy, fight its immoral wars, and focus more on the international agendas of the Royal Family than on the wellbeing of the Canadian and American citizens.
Canada cannot remain hostage of a tyrannical royal family which is trying to rule over a global empire bigger than they can afford.
Exactly because Canada has a unique role within the British global empire, this country is suffering from a dysfunctional system. Canada’s legal system is broken and corrupt. Canada’s health system is broken. Canada’s economic system is tyrannical. Canada’s educational system is immoral and tyrannical, too.
No! It needs more than simply changing the name of the PM. The big changes start by changing the monarchic gang that rules Canada.
Sabri Lushi – Canada