If one wants to know more about the old corrupt British Empire, the empire that has destroyed the world, the empire that has plundered the nations of the world, the empire that has been founded on lies and deception, the empire that venerates and glorifies terror and oppression, the empire that has declared war on God, let them look at Canada and the USA – the most corrupt countries in the entire world in the most absolute meaning.
Canada represents the true face of the British Empire. It is the true face of King Charles the Tyrant, especially given the international role of this immoral country, otherwise known as the Land of Spies.
First, Canada is a mafia state, which is to say, there is no laws or rules which regulate the lives of people, but the arbitrary power the ruling elite. It is a country where informality and state mafia gangs control the day to day political business of the country.
Second, the Canadian legal system is the highest and clearest manifestation of the corruption in this country. From having no credibility, changing rules and regulations in the most arbitrary way, lack of transparency, using actors in the courts of law as a legal strategy, to using judges as the equivalent to The People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs (known as NKVD) in the former Soviet Union are sufficient points to understand that what country we are dealing with.
Third, Canada has a totally corrupt economy, where companies and businesses are controlled by the monarchic mafia. In reality, there is no such a thing called ‘free business’ in Canada. No! Everything has to be filtered and controlled by the intelligence service.
Fourth, apart from high taxes, hidden taxes, hidden fees, and all kinds of other taxes camouflaged with all kinds of names, the secret police of this corrupt country, as part of CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) cooperates with other secret agencies in order to attack people financially as part of the Canadian oppressive policies. Attacking people financially is considered a very important weapon here in Canada.
Fifth, Canada is the Land of Spies. Similarly to the USA, the Canadian citizens are mostly immigrants, which is to say, they’ve gone through vulnerability. Consequently, they are all spies of the Government of Canada, which makes this country not only a massive graveyard for immigrants, but a zombie land where free speech is censured by an iron fist.
Canada represents the truest image of the terrorist British Empire – the empire of the devil and mafia, the empire of spies and deceivers, the empire of informality and corruption, the empire that survives on the filthiest human qualities.
Besides, the fake war of tariffs between the two lapdogs of the British Empire, i.e., Canada and the USA, says it all: mischievous countries, ruled by terrorists and governments that cannot be trusted on anything.
Sabri Lushi
February 2025