by Kukes Post

The world has never witnessed a more corrupt and proxy regime than the US Government, perhaps even more tyrannical and dictatorial than the Pharaoh of the old.


America is a republic. It emerged as a strange political creature in the 18th century: for the first time there was a form of governance that the power belonged to no one; it belonged to abstract institutions, to the people, or the “unseen,” and for the first time the administrators of power got “elected” by the people. This is the biggest trick the British Monarchy has ever pulled off.


Like a soldier of the Devil, the US Republic has adopted a form of governance that takes responsibility for nothing. The whole American political system revolves around the concept of hiding and avoiding responsibility, from the American president to the American judges. It is, indeed, a mischievous country.


America has always been the lapdog of the British Monarchy, fighting in the name of the British Monarchy, supplying the Evil Empire with mercenaries, destroying in the name of the British Empire, killing and murdering irresponsibly as it bears no political responsibility in the world, yet this has been done under the flag of the USA.


America is the Devil. It has always been a power for destruction. Like the Devil, America hates human dignity, so it has been the main promotor of immorality, degeneracy, human oppression, enslavement, and human exploitation all along its political past.


America is a threat to the world. It is ruled by a corrupt and immoral political system – to this day we don’t really know who rules the US Republic because the British Monarchy doesn’t claim its power overtly. Everything is done covertly and secretly.


America is restricted by no moral code . It has no religion. It is the first communist political entity of the world, before France and Russia; therefore, the American political system subscribes to no religious values.


America is dangerous. It is the symbol of corruption. Its actual values are: deception, lies, backstabbing, hypocrisy, treason, immorality, and lack of dignity.


The world has never seen a more dangerous political entity than America. It is the lapdog of the British Monarchy. It is a creature that is guided by the principles of the Devil: divide and conquer, lies upon lies, propaganda, taking responsibility for nothing, and surviving only on chaos, wars, and oppression.


America can never be trusted. It is the Devil himself. It is the enemy of Muslims. It is a pagan and ungodly political system.


America is our enemy, and we must consider it as such. It is the enemy of God. It is the enemy of justice and peace. It is the embodiment of injustice and human degradation.


Sabri Lushi


February 2025




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