by Kukes Post

February 15, 2025


While Muslims around the world might disagree on the reasons and the cause which have led the Ummah to this difficult and dire condition, we all agree that the Muslim Ummah is experiencing one of the most distressing and tragic times of its history – divided by the enemy, the spread of ignorance, deterioration of moral values, economic vulnerability and disproportionate redistribution of wealth, promotion of evil and banality, and an organized persecution of religiosity, i.e., Islamic piety and conservatism.

I certainly believe that the insufficiency of Islamic true scholarship, the persecution and imprisonment of Muslim scholars, their replacement with dishonest and false religious clergy, not to mention the discouragement and censorship of religious knowledge are among the top reasons why our Ummah is in this situation.

There is no doubt that the blame falls upon the Ummah collectively: to Muslims themselves and to their governments, to lay Muslims and to their elite, the individuals of the Ummah and to their leaders; however, what is more important and beneficial is the future and what can be done to reverse the situation.


In this regard, I appeal to the Government of Saudi Arabia and to His Majesty King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud – the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, may Allah preserve him, to review the stance on the imprisonment of many scholars in the King of Saudi Arabia, without insinuating, however, that each and every one of them is being persecuted unjustly. This is by and large a domestic issue of a country, but still Muslims have the right to express their concern as we are part of the same Ummah.

The Ummah is in dire need of scholars. They are the greatest asset. They are our stars, our teachers, our advisors, and our instructors.

Scholars are the strength of the Ummah. Their persecution is a guaranteed recipe for calamity – perhaps the major reason why we are going through such difficulties.

Al-‘Ulamā are the inheritors of the Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him). Whoever declares war on them, there is no doubt that he or she is treading on a path that leads to a guaranteed destruction and humiliation.

The job of the Muslim scholars is to teach the truth of Islam, to spread the truth, to promote the truth, to uphold the truth, to support the truth, to follow the truth, to criticize those who oppose the truth, and to advise those who are going against the truth. Definitely, following the truth – the clear and absolute truth of Islam, is the only way to success, be it spiritual, economic, military, or social prosperity and victory.

وَقُلْ جَآءَ ٱلْحَقُّ وَزَهَقَ ٱلْبَـٰطِلُ ۚ إِنَّ ٱلْبَـٰطِلَ كَانَ زَهُوقًۭا

And declare, “The truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Indeed, falsehood is bound to vanish.” Al-Isrā, 81.

Whereas there are specifics related to every legal case – some individuals might have broken the law, there is no doubt that there is a general trend and a global policy to persecute Muslim scholars, especially those who refuse to compromise their principles and remain steadfast in the truth, again, without implying that the Government of Saudi Arabia particularly is part of this global policy of the persecution scholars and censoring the Islamic knowledge.

On the contrary, the service of Saudi Arabia to the Ummah is undeniable and distinguished among all Muslim countries. However, arresting scholars and persecuting them is a great disservice done to the Ummah, especially in this time and age when the enemies of Islam want to wipe out this religion.


The reason why I make this public appeal for the release of scholars is not to blame the government of a Muslim country, especially the government of Saudi Arabia which has done so much for the Ummah over the last decades.

My intention, indeed, is to point out, and even criticize, the fact that there is a global policy led by the USA, the UK and other western governments in order to oppress and persecute Muslim scholars, or even independent thinkers and intellectuals, including primarily in the West itself.

There is a full-fledged industry of persecution of Muslim scholars globally. This industry is heavily incentivized by the USA and the UK, for example, without even excluding Canada where I live and see what’s going on, and even other western countries.

Arresting scholars, persecuting them, censoring them, promoting students with low IQ to replace genuine scholars, replacing true scholars with public speakers and political actors are part of this global industry, which unfortunately great amounts of funds and money have been allocated to this infamous industry.

This industry does not involve only governments, but also companies and individuals. Whoever arrests a scholar or a student of knowledge or someone who has the potentials to become an Islamic scholar, or cooperates in their persecution is rewarded: given a business contract, offered a job, offered money, released of financial debts etc.

Arresting scholars, persecuting them, and censoring Islamic knowledge in general has been commercialized by the US Government, Canada, the UK and other western countries. This has become a very profitable industry in a global scale.

Indeed, this industry is probably the biggest threat to the Ummah because it will cause irreparable damage. Ignorance will prevail, division will increase, and the cohesion of the Muslim Ummah will break apart. Undoubtedly, this is what the enemies of Muslims want to achieve. They are investing in this direction. They are spending money. They are committed to even commercialize this industry more, that is, the industry of arresting scholars, persecuting Muslims, preventing young Muslims to learn Islamic knowledge, and promoting religious knowledge in this Ummah.

I conclude by asking the Almighty Allah to bless the Ummah of Islam in general and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in particular, to release Muslim scholars wherever they are facing imprisonment, and to unite our Ummah.

Sabri Lushi

Edmonton, AB, Canada

February 15, 2025

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