by Kukes Post

Many in the USA, Canada, the UK or elsewhere are discussing these days about the importance of free speech, especially given the horrible situation that the UK is going through where gangs and terrorist groups led by undercover monarchic and MI6 agents are threatening immigrants and Muslims and raiding mosques.

There is no doubt that free speech is an irreplaceable and indispensable political mechanism that we – the masses, especially Muslims, can use as a main weapon in our battle of defense against the Government – any government – and King Charles III.

We no longer live under a tribal system when tribes would protect us from the despotism of the government, nor are we allowed to carry weapons in order to organize ourselves against the injustice and despotism of the Government.

The only legal and democratic weapon at our disposal is free speech, especially given the fact that the world of politics has entered a dark age – the age of injustice, deception, highly concentrated power, propaganda, fake national borders, fake wars, fake enemies, extreme monopolies, and monarchic undercover political forces.

In short, we don’t trust our governments; we don’t trust the courts of law, for they are the chambers of politics; we don’t trust judges, for they are governmental agents and spies; we don’t and we cannot rely on this type of economic system and on such CEOs and hiring managers, for they are spies of the government.

We don’t trust the corrupt British Secularism. We don’t trust the corrupt British laws imposed around the world. We don’t trust the political parties, which are founded by the British Monarchy. We don’t trust King Charles the Tyrant – a man who has lost all his political credibility.

As a result, we must resort to free speech in order to protect ourselves from the courts of law, from the corrupt British monarchic laws, from judges who are the spies of the government, from lawyers and the governmental prosecutors, from our bosses and hiring managers who are undercover agents of the government, and above all, we need the free speech to defend ourselves from the despotism, corruption, terrorism, and dictatorship of King Charles the Tyrant.

Free speech is the only weapon that we can use in our battle against the injustice of the government and its courts of law. We must get better at it. We must perfect it. We must train ourselves how to articulate ourselves before it is too late because we are living under a global dictatorship – the same dictatorship that is murdering children and women in Palestine and the same dictatorship that is led by King Charles the Terrorist.

We must use free speech to expose the corruption and crimes of King Charles. We must use free speech as a defensive measure against judges and all the corrupt legal system. We must use free speech as a defensive measure against this corrupt economic system which is controlled by the Government – our enemy.

Sabri Lushi

August 2024


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