by Kukes Post

Yes, the world is corrupt: injustice, discrimination, disproportionate distribution of wealth, subjugation of nations, especially Muslims, the overthrow of the natural institutional social order, i.e., the institution of family, corrupt and abusive Secularist laws, propaganda, totalitarian censorship, absolute control, and a political order based on the American terrorism and espionage.

Yes, there are many things wrong, which need to be changed, which are posing a threat to the entire world, and which are leading the global population to a dead end: between a rock and a hard place.

On the other hand, the perpetrators have been working hard over the last century to hide their responsibility. The world as we see it today – with all the injustice and corruption – is a direct consequence of the British-American Global Order, which came to power after the fall of the Ottoman Empire during WWI.

The British Empire and the US Government have been ruling with an iron first since WWI. This is the new global order. For the first time in history, the world is ruled by one global power. There is no multi polar world. There is no Russia or China or the so-called rising new powers. They all are part of the British-American Global Order.

What makes the situation more problematic and hopeless is the fact that not only is the British-American Global Rule consolidating its power, but strategically they appear as the savior, as the solution to their own corruption, as the political opposition through political parties and ideological organizations, and as the ideological resistance.

As we often say, “the wolf loves the fog,” the British-American Global Rule loves chaos and confusion. It appears at the same time as the most advance political power and as the victim, as those who hold the power and the opposition, as the enemies of God and as those who love Him.

But, America and the British Empire are actually easily recognizable, easily identified as the perpetrators, and easily singled out as those responsible for all the global corruption.

In this context, there is only one solution to the American and British global corruption: the religion of Islam.

Despite its complexity and ideological chaos, the British Secularism is simple: corrupt, despotic, chaotic, crisis, exploitive, oppressive, destructive, humiliating, enslaving, and dictatorial.

According to Islam, the British Secularism is defined as the Jahiliyatul Ūlā – the Old Ignorance. There is nothing new. Through the British-American Global Order, history is repeating itself. We’re seeing the same old pagans ruling over us.

The only alternative which provides a remedy to this British-American Ignorance is the religion of Islam. It is the only preserved God-revealed religion. It is the only truth. It is the only political solution. It is the only cure to this political disease we’re suffering from.

Sabri Lushi

February 2025

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