While the US Republic has not yet appointed its ambassador in Tirana as its role has been exposed by Albanians: it has been accused of corruption, sponsoring terrorism, generating destruction, lies and propaganda, and above all, America has been exposed for what it represents: a fake republic founded by the British Monarchy which spreads wars and does the British King’s biddings.
The US Government has not yet appointed its ambassador in Tirana because Albanians have understood that this fake republic is the mother of propaganda and lies.
We Albanians know all too well that it was the British Empire the one which occupied our land more than a century ago. The British-American barbarians destroyed our country, killed our intellectuals, forced thousands of Muslim scholars of the native land to abandon their homes, and it was these enemies who installed afterwards the terrorist regime of Ahmed Zogu and Enver Hoxha.
We Albanians already know that America – this fake republic of the British Monarchy, represents terrorism, destruction, corruption, lies, theft of property and money, and spread of wars. It was these barbarians who caused the civil war in 1997 in Albania.
The Secretary of Terrorism Mr. Blinken is facing another newly emerged issue in Tirana, that is, Albanians have proposed to kick out the US Embassy and turn its residency, which is located in a very important part of the capital of Albania, into a public washroom.
Yes, turning the US Embassy into a public washroom because, according to Albanians, this is better for the environment, it serves better political and social purposes, and arguably this could lower the level of corruption, crimes, terrorist acts, propaganda, as well as by turning the US Embassy into a public washroom many homeless people – caused by the US and British policies, have a sanitary and hygienic safe place where to relieve themselves.
Nevertheless, this is a sarcasm. Sometimes there is no better way of expressing the frustration about the bitter reality. America of terrorism has become the ugly reality of politics and the symbol of injustice. It has lost its credibility, its political mystique, and above all, the ability to generate any political value.
The sarcasm of turning the US Embassy in Tirana into a public washroom captures the best the way we perceive currently the US Embassy’s role: the den of corruption, espionage, terrorism, and political decadence. The American republic is fake. Beyond its facade and hypnotizing veneer, it is a public washroom: void of values and human credibility.
America symbolizes corruption. America is the enemy of human rights and democracy. It is the enemy of free speech and political freedom. It is the ugly reality of human race.
Blinken: you should have not come to Albania. You’re not welcome! You’re a terrorist and the representative of a terrorist political ideology.
February 2024