Home » We should defend ourselves from judges intellectually not physically

We should defend ourselves from judges intellectually not physically

by Kukes Post
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A man in Las Vegas jumped over the bench to attack a judge. Personally, I believe that we should and must defend ourselves against judges, as they defend and protect the corruption of the state, but they should not be attacked physically.

In the modern state, as designed by the British Empire and the corrupt British Secularism, judges are the forefront guardians of corruption and the ruling elite; therefore, we should defend ourselves from judges intellectually and by reacting publicly because there is no other mechanism to hold them accountable.

This defendant was wrong and gave the wrong example of how we should defend ourselves from judges – the guardians of the deep state and British Secularism.

We need to protect ourselves from judges and the corrupt courts of law by publishing books against them, by reacting publicly, by exposing their immoral role, and by raising awareness in the public about their true position.

Modern judges are well-paid employees of the state, as well as they are given high privileges, in order to serve the state. In truth, judges are the enemies of justice.

Judges should never be trusted. They should never be seen as ordinary people; rather, they should be confronted intellectually in the most serious manner. If our modern governments are our enemies, judges are the most devoted and highly paid soldiers of the enemy.

Make no mistake, the British Empire has invested in judges more than in anyone else. Beware of judges!


Sabri Lushi

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