Home » For King Charles the Genocidal the freedom of expression has no place

For King Charles the Genocidal the freedom of expression has no place

by Kukes Post
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This hypocrite believes in free speech as long as the free speech is used to mock the prophets of God, especially the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, to mock, insult and attack Muslims, to mock and spread disinformation about Islam, or to mock other nations, but when we point the finger at this genocidal king, and enumerate his crimes, wars, genocides, and the destruction of Muslim countries, for King Charles the Genocidal the freedom of expression has no place.

Consequently, he does what all terrorists, dictators and despotic leaders do: use the political power to oppress citizens and to persecute them, orders the government, the politics, the courts of law or the tax agencies to retaliate and suppress the freedom of speech.

This is exactly the case of King Charles the Genocidal – the mastermind behind terrorism, and this is the case of the terrorist government of Canada.


Sabri Lushi

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