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Given the fact that the British Empire has established its global power based on propaganda, lies, deception, fairy tales, mythology, and distortion of history, it is only fair to assume …
In order to understand the Qur’an properly, one has to appreciate language at the very least. The Qur’an has been revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) via …
I was listening for a few minutes on a Twitter group of Kosovars about nationalism and religion. There was this Kosovar nationalist, who ironically lives in Germany, who was criticizing …
A central premise of the Qur’an is that people can change. In fact, this is the very reason why God has sent prophets and messengers – to change people’s morals, …
British EmpireSecularism
Under British Secularism citizens are not equal before the state
by Kukes Postby Kukes PostOne of the biggest problems of the British Secularism and its Secularist governments around the world is that citizens are not equal before the state. It’s a form of governance …
Apparently, Muslims today don’t have political power. Under the worldwide British Secularism, they live either as direct minorities, as it is the case in the western countries, or as practical …