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The western-backed terrorist regime of Enver Hoxha, apart from isolating Albania for five decades, forcing people to be all members of intelligence…
Situata politike në Shqipëri kërkon një vështrim serioz dhe të thellë. Siç duket qartë, problemi tashmë nuk është i lidhur me një…
In the throes of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine – two neighboring countries, we are hearing some strange and unheard-of statements…
Over all, we – Albanians – should understand that Albania was occupied in 1912 by the British Empire and its corrupt bankers…
Whoever Albanian has problems with the Albanian government, or tries to stand up against injustice, or who is trying to understand what…
Those who stole the cash of the Albanian people in 1996, who burnt Albania to the ground in 1997, who are directly…