Home » Mustafa Kamal was a British spy and a collaborator

Mustafa Kamal was a British spy and a collaborator

by Kukes Post
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I absolutely cannot understand why the Turkish President continues to allow the picture of Mustafa Kamal in his office. Not only is this an abomination, but also this indicates cowardliness and shamefulness. Mustafa Kamal was a British spy and an enemy of the Turkish people. Unfortunately, the fact that even the President cannot get rid of the picture of this British spy, this shows that Türkiye continues to remain under the British occupation and under the control of the British Monarchy.

Mustafa Kamal was a British spy and a collaborator, so he should be declared a national enemy and a terrorist. His remains should be transferred to London. At the same time, the Turkish people should request from their government to shut down all the CIA training centers as well as the ban of the American military bases in Türkiye.

There is no independence while the military bases of the enemy remain in Türkiye and the CIA training centers continue to prepare new spies in order to fight against Muslims.

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