by Kukes Post

As the famous saying goes, “with great power comes great responsibility.” Perhaps this is what comforts the oppressed, slaves, and those less unfortunate, that, in a way or another, there is a relative level of equality in this life. No one is truly favored over the rest of people, not even kings or those at the top of the political power. The natural justice of life is rigid, indeed.

As of today, the world’s population has reached for the first time in human history more than 8 billion. Again, with great power, in this case, a great number of people, comes great responsibility. I don’t know if any one would want to rule over such a large number of people unless they are oblivious of the true meaning of responsibility.

In this vast world, which is ruled by an unprecedented centralized political system, whose chain of command and reliance upon information and logistical control and means of communication are state-of-art, the burden of responsibility of politicians is tremendous even though they try to play the role of fools, that somehow it is the abstract institutions responsible for all corruption and injustice.

Speaking of political responsibility, there is one man who holds a great deal of political power in the world, and that is none other than King Charles III, king of United Kingdom and other Commonwealth realms. His power is enormous, but the bleak reality of the world today only puts him in a very difficult position – in short, his political outcome is negative.

He and his family are solely responsible for the establishment of a global political system which operates like mafia. With all the large network of spies and agents, to the extent that every single politician, judge, governmental employee, CEO etc. has to abide by two forms of contracts: a formal one and an informal allegiance to the powers it be. This is the most flagrant form of corruption that can exist.

King Charles is responsible for the establishment of a corrupt and unfair justice system, for the passing of many abusive and unjust laws, for the spread of an abusive political ideology, and for the installation of a political system which promotes the most immoral, corrupt, incompetent, and horrible people.

King Charles is fully or partially responsible for the murder of the Palestinian children, and millions of other innocent Muslims. Under his rule or his family’s, the world has experienced atrocities that cannot even be described.

He is a king. As such, he is entitled to many perks which come with that position, but he’s also responsible for the great level of injustice and corruption that we witness every day.

Indeed, he is treading a dangerous path. I am afraid that he has taken the wrong road. The world – corruption, dead children, the promotion of the political decadence, and all the immoral ideologies that are choking humanity, speak louder that words. The only way out for him is justice.


Sabri Lushi

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