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Considering that forced displacement and immigration are a major business of the global politics, especially with regard to the Muslim population, it is necessary for Muslims who are planning to immigrate to the West to be more aware of this reality. By sharing our personal experience and impression about the West, which is an uncensored source of information, this might help many potential immigrants reach a better decision.

First, Muslims should know that there is no central authority or main caliph who is in charge of their affairs. We don’t have a Muslim leader who develops and follows strategies regarding our future. Rather, it is the West – our enemies – that plans for us. This is crucially important to know, that we are the subjects of the western plans and strategies as we don’t have a central authority to plan for us. Therefore, immigration is a western strategy to damage our communities in order to rule us.

Second, the post modern British Empire, which is led by the same monarchy, has a clear agenda against Islam and Muslims, so forcing us immigrate to the West is a strategy of theirs; it is not an opportunity that they are giving us. As a result, the western countries, such as Canada, Germany, the Scandinavian countries etc., have a clear agenda on how to control our future, and they have a long term plan on how to render Muslim immigrants and their families useless. Again, no Muslim is allowed to come to the West in order to prosper.

Third, the western countries have developed a full infrastructure on how to deal with immigrants and how to control their future. There is an entire system prepared to deal with this business, such as courts of law, employers, hiring departments, the intelligence service, the state propaganda, lawyers, pertinent laws etc. While a Muslim might have his or her own plan when they immigrate, the West has already made a plan for them and their children, especially regarding their religion.

Therefore, I would sincerely recommend every Muslim who is about to leave their home land and immigrate to the West to think twice before doing so. At least, do research, consult those who you trust the most, and weigh up the pros and cons. Canada, Germany, France, the Scandinavian countries etc. are not as you might think. They’ve made sure to maintain a good image in order to deceive Muslims. They speak of freedom, yet they have a plan on how to control your future. It’s all about control.

Dear Muslim of Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Albania, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen and all other Muslim countries, you might be forced to leave your country, as the US army might have bombed your house or you’re under extreme poverty, but your country is much safer and better for your future. I can speak from experience that we are not brought to the West to succeed, but to fail. We’d better resist in our countries.

Sabri Lushi

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